
I am so glad that you have made the committiment to Fast during the 2011 Lenten Season. This space has been created for you to share any part of your journey or to find support during these next 6 weeks.
If you have questions about what to eat or not to eat, want to share a scripture and a great revelation (testimony) about your journey this is your spot.
If you have a prayer request or just need some encouragement this is the place to make your request known.
May God bless you this season and give you what you desire in this Lenten Season.
Peace & Blessings,

Darby Iva Pack

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Galatians 6:1

Brothers, if anyone is caught in any transgression, you sho are spiritual should restore him in a spirit of gentleness. Keep watch on yourself, lest you too be tempted.

Today was a struggle. First day back home on the fast. Went to my Grannies house and grannies house is a comfort food house. I walk in the door and she immediately offers fried chicken, tasty cakes and soda!!!!..."No Thank you Granny". My mom got McDonalds for the girls and of course Nahyah is waving the french fries in the air singing "I got french fries, look mommy"..."Yes baby I see" :-(

Darby can you do this...Darby can you do that...

I realized it was easy being away...it was easy taking dance classes all day, resting and eating. It was easy to balance and relax.

Now the challenge of dealing with life and maintaining the commitment to the LOrd.

I am so very grateful for the days away. I was anxious to get home to see my baby but I am very grateful that God gave me some time away.

Praying for your strength and mine also...I continue to expect each of you to hear from God and increase your FAITH in HIM!





  1. Hello All, I just faced my first fast challenge. I am the one that do most of the cooking in the house and I love it! however its not all that fun when you cant eat it. I have a husband and an uncle that live with me that must eat and they're not finding what im eating exciting. I fixed them corned beef cabbage and potatoes and garlic bread yesteday. I made a new glaze for the corn beef and they had know problem with expressing how good it was. They told me in words, body language, and sound effects. My brotherinlaw always seem to sence when i cook and he and my husband seemed to take turns with the complements as if they were singing a duo. I had to remember the scripture that tells us not to let our faces be downcast while fasting and in remembering that I thanked them by saying glad you're enjoying it as i slowly removed myself from the kitchen. I went in the other room picked up my word and began to read and think in my heart "feed me Jesus". Trusting and praying that i'd be in line with Gods will for my life. Bless you all


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