
I am so glad that you have made the committiment to Fast during the 2011 Lenten Season. This space has been created for you to share any part of your journey or to find support during these next 6 weeks.
If you have questions about what to eat or not to eat, want to share a scripture and a great revelation (testimony) about your journey this is your spot.
If you have a prayer request or just need some encouragement this is the place to make your request known.
May God bless you this season and give you what you desire in this Lenten Season.
Peace & Blessings,

Darby Iva Pack

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Rise and Shine!

Good morning!

Rise and Shine and give thanks. This is the day that the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad!!!! We have officially begun fasting for the Lenten 2011 season.

I will be having oatmeal, soy milk, apples and bananas for breakfast with some WATER!

Don't forget to take a vitamin and double up on Vitamin C!

Scripture Verse for the day...

Isaiah 43:2
When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers they shall not overwhelm you; When you walk through the fire you shall not be burned, and the flame shall not consume you.

Happy Fasting!!! and may God bless you!


  1. Ok I finally got connected!!! Thanks Darby! Im having fruit kiwi and an apple for breakfast and I packed an apple and black bean soup for lunch! The streaming faith devotional had a perfect message for this first day of Lent Ash Wednesday Im going to share it with my you and all the lent buddies! Be blessed! <3 you! Happy Ash Wednesday!

  2. Im just so excited right now I just wanted to add my 50 cent about our journery, and what it signifies.
    Lent is a time when Jesus entered the wilderness to be tempted of the devil for 40 days of prayer and fasting. The season ends the day Jesus had his triumphant entry into Jerusalem (Palm Sunday) the week before the Crucifixion. Lent is a time of preparation for new things. From the cold winter to beautiful Spring. Make a powerful change take advantage of this season of spiritual preparation for what lies ahead!

  3. Ok guys, I just got done hearing the word of God. My bishop Dewayne Debnam says there are four things christians are required to do during this season. 1. Fast 2. Pray 3. Almsgiving 4. Sacred Reading.
    I though that was a word. Read Math. 6:16
    Have a good night! And Darby be safe in your travels. Looking forward to your morning wake up call!

  4. Great morning folks! I had 5 grain hot cereal pinapples and a banana for break fast.
    I thought I would share this scripture.
    "O God, You are my God; Early will I seek You; My soul thirsts for You; My flesh longs for You in a dry and thirsty land where there is no water." - Psalm 63:1 (NKJV)

  5. Finally figured out what I'm doing!!! Praise God! I'm excited about this journey and am expecting great things.

    I've always participated in some time of fast during Lenten season, however, this will be the first time I will be fasting during the ENTIRE 6 weeks. Give me strength Lord!!!

    I am making the commitment to not only fast but to pray. I set 3 alarms on my phone so I won't forget. The most challenging part is the early morning prayer, but again, I am expecting great things, so I will make the sacrifice.

    Here's what I had so far...
    Breakfast day 1 - a small bowl of fruit with water.

    Lunch day 1 - a small bowl of fruit with water.

    Snack day 1 - walnuts

    Dinner day 1 - spinach salad w/raisins, oil and vingear dressing and water.

    Now, drinking plain water is going to be a challenge as well. I mean, I drink a lot of water, even have a water cooler in my home, however, I always used some type of flavoring. So pray my strength that I am able to do this. :-)

    Day 2 - breakfast, a banana and raisins
    lunch, spinach salad w/raisins and water
    dinner - not sure what I plan to fix, perhaps lima beans....

    I will pray for all of you...please pray for me.

    Angie Newman

  6. This morning I read Daniel 1. Father sanctify me, set me apart to be used for your glory.

    The last couple days have been a challenge.... fasting and working at a stress filled job. I felt beat up today after work. I came home and fell on my face.

    Psalm 46: 10 says "Stand still and know that I am God". I pray that God will give me the grace will cover me and give me your grace that is always sufficient. Please pray for me and I pray for you

    My fast is going well. Breakfast is a banana and grapefruit sections, snack- orange sections, lunch- broccoli and carrots, dinner nothing tonight.


  7. Mama Peacenchrist01! Thank God for your fully surrender after work today!!!! Stand still and know!!! How powerful and true. It is amazing the clarity in scripture i have theses days.

    At this moment i am at carrabas with my students!! They have whole wheat pasta and vinergerette dressing with NO SUGAR!!!

    My students did a wonderful job and i was able to take a very intense dance class that worked every bit of my body. I should have had a orange or banana before class but i was rushing and forgot. Non the less i am greatful and truly humble to be dancing!!! God is a healer!!!


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